
1. PubMed Mobile

由NLM(美國國家醫學圖書館)製作提供免費檢索,可查詢內容與PubMed 相同,於行動載具之網頁瀏覽器輸入網址即可連線查詢。PubMed 行動版僅提供基本搜尋,及可依"Free Full Text"或"Review"篩選搜尋結果等基本功能。

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2. The Cochrane Library – iPad 版

The Cochrane Library  iPad版呈現一個方便,易於瀏覽The Cochrane Library 最新實證文獻格式。每月議題皆由總編輯從Cochrane Systematic Reviews 評選,並提供最好的iPad版本閱讀體驗,涵蓋豐富的多媒體內容如廣播,影片和幻燈片(陸續上線)。

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3. EBM Calculator
EBM Calculator

The Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) Calculator provides a simple, easy-to-use tool enabling clinicians to rapidly perform statistical calculations. Due to its sleek and intuitive design, absolute and relative risk differences, as well as, epidemiological measurements including Number Needed to Treat (NNT) or Number Needed to Harm (NNH) can be calculated in a matter of seconds.

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4. ACP Clinical Guidelines
ACP Clinical Guideline

The American College of Physicians (ACP) produces evidence-based clinical practice guidelines, which means that the guidelines follow a rigorous development process and are based on the highest quality scientific evidence. Internal medicine physicians and other clinicians can now access these clinical recommendations in virtually any setting via the ACP Clinical Guidelines app.

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5. NICE Guidance

For the first time, you can access guidance from NICE whilst on the move through NICE’s new, official app. It is aimed at doctors, nurses, medical students and other healthcare professionals, as well as those with public health responsibilities, including in local government.

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6. SIGN Guidelines

SIGN guideline recommendations are available on the move with the award-winning SIGN app. Developed by the SIGN Executive in collaboration with Root Creative, Glasgow. Updated in 2014 for new operating systems, the SIGN app now features a clean, modern look enhanced by a modern sans-serif font, combining elegance with legibility.

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7. UpToDate for Android
UpToDate for Android

UpToDate® Anywhere registrants and Individual subscribers can now answer their clinical questions anytime, anywhere by downloading this app onto an Android™ phone or tablet. UpToDate is the leading clinical decision support resource with evidence-based clinical information – including drug topics and recommendations that clinicians rely on at the point of care.

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The ePSS application was developed to assist primary care clinicians identify the screening, counseling, and preventive medication services that are appropriate for their patients. The ePSS information is based on the current recommendations of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) and can be searched by specific patient characteristics, such as age, sex, and selected behavioral risk factors. The ePSS is available as a web application and mobile applications.

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9. Medscape

Medscape from WebMD (medscape.com) is the leading medical resource most used by physicians, medical students, nurses and other healthcare professionals for clinical information. The Medscape app is the highest rated, fastest growing free mobile app for healthcare professionals with over 4 million registered users. The Medscape app for Android™ is available for free.

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