
歐盟EBM教師培訓計畫EU-EBM Training the Trainers Project : PARTNERS




歐盟實證醫學教師培訓計畫(EU-EBM Training the Trainers Project)介紹

歐盟實證醫學教師培訓計畫是延續之前EU-EBM整合計畫(EU-EBM Unity Project)而來,EU-EBM Unity Project係由歐盟終生學習計畫下的Leonardo da Vinci專案經費所支持進行,EU-EBM整合計畫結合多個研究案的成果包括EU Research Framework programme, EU-Asia, ESF, STREPS, ESF/ERDF等,其由最初只是幾家醫院的社群網絡結合至最終合作結盟形成在歐盟層級的可行社群專題。主要目的在發展一套醫療專業人員的實證醫學認證制度,並提供相關培訓及教學。

  • The University Of Birmingham/ Birmingham Women’s Hospital – England
  • J & AB Associates – England
  • Agency for Quality in Medicine – Germany
  • Universitá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Italy
  • AMC Amsterdam – Netherlands
  • CASPolska- -Poland
  • TUDOR – Hungary
  • Basel Institute of Clinical Epidemiology

2014年3月27日 Dr. Prathap Tharyan將以實際案例分享The Cochrane Library對印度健康政策的影響,歡迎線上即刻註冊,親臨與專家對談的虛擬工作坊!

這是一次難得的機會!3月27日下午5點將有一場The Cochrane Library實務分享的網路工作坊, 邀請您共同參與來自South Asian Cochrane Center的Dr. Prathap Tharyan 將以實際案例分享The Cochrane Library對印度健康政策的影響; 而The Cochrane Library的副編輯Gavin Stewart也會提供快速取得正確實證資料的方法

歡迎您將這項訊息分享館內讀者, 只需要透過簡單的註冊步驟, 您將可以親臨一場與專家對話的虛擬工作坊


註冊成功後, 參加者將收到相關的會議說明, 需要事先在電腦中安裝執行程式 (約需5-10分鐘); 同時, 會提供一組0800的會議參與電話及會議代碼, 參加者僅需在會議前撥打電話進入會議議程, 就可以聽到講者聲音, 並透過電腦畫面看到投影片內容; 以上的設備參加者務必在會議開始前就先準備好, 以免錯過重要訊息



澳洲考科藍中心:Cocrhane review 線上教育訓練課程

Cochrane Live! Webinars
http://training.cochrane.org/authors/webinars註: 需使用Blackboard Collaborate應用軟體來開啓Webinars課程檔,當您點選某一課程主題後,系統會自動下載並安裝Blackboard執行軟體,之後會自動帶出課程內容。
Free Webinar on “How to Write Case Reports” with Editor-in-Chief, Clinical Case Reports
研究出版品在現今醫學職業生涯發展中,已經是不可缺少的一項要件,同時也是確認臨床實作 的關鍵因素。個案報告(Case Reports)則是一種重要的研究出版型式,可以幫助臨床人員加強病情瞭解,並提供最好的醫療措施。過去,大多數的個案報告著重在特殊或罕見地的疾病, 但是Clinical Case Reports 則是支持重要的常見病例或治療方式。
Research publication has become an integral part of medical career development and is key to ensuring best clinical practice. A case report is an important research publication type which can both improve medical understanding and directly facilitate best practice. Most case reports in the past have focused on rare or unusual diseases, but championed by Clinical Case Reports are now increasingly focused on important common events or procedures.Dr. Charles Young是英國倫敦St Thomas’ Hospital急診室主任, 同時也是Clinical Case Reports 的主編,5月29日晚上6點半,WILEY將邀請他分享寫作的觀點及經驗,並且透過線上工作坊的機會,直接回答您的寫作上遭遇的問題。
To discuss these issues and help you succeed in publishing your case report, we have invited Dr. Charles Young, the Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Case Reports, Vice president for Clinical Solutions at Wiley, and an Emergency Physician at St Thomas’ Hospital London, UK, to share with you his views and experience, and to answer your questions.Date: 29 May 2013 (Wed)
Time: 6.30 – 7.30pm Singapore time
Click here to check your local time.Topics include:

  • How to write and publish quickly and efficiently Case Reports
  • How you can contribute papers to Clinical Case Reports
  • Useful Resources related to Clinical Sciences

Register now for the free online workshop with the Editor-in-chief, Clinical Case Reports today and learn from the expert. Limited seat available on a first come first serve basis.


Training to recognise the early signs of recurrence in schizophreniaThe onset of schizophrenia usually occurs during adolescence or early adulthood. Diagnosis is predictive of an increased risk of suicide, impaired occupational and social functioning, and a heightened risk of physical illness. Most people with schizophrenia experience a cyclical pattern of illness with periods of acute psychotic episodes followed by stable periods of full or partial remission.Training in early warning signs techniques encourages people to learn, detect and recognise the early warning signs of future illness. Studies indicate that noticing even small changes in signs and symptoms of schizophrenia can often predict future illness and relapse two to 10 weeks later. Early warning training may help to prevent or delay relapse, so reducing the chances of going into hospital. A recent Cochrane Review compares the effectiveness of early warning signs interventions plus treatment as usual involving and not involving a psychological therapy on time to relapse, hospitalisation, functioning, negative and positive symptomatology. Thirty-four studies that randomised 3554 people satisfied criteria for inclusion.Is training in early warning signs effective in reducing rates of relapse and re-hospitalisation? 【Click here


The Effect of Lay Health Worker Programmes on Mother and Child Health and Tuberculosis

This summary of evidence about the effect of lay health worker programmes (on mother and child health and tuberculosis) is derived from a Cochrane Review published in 2010. This video builds on a 7-page SUPPORT Summary of the same review, prepared for health policy makers in low and middle-income countries. 【Click here